pcrp dorchester south station murals information

Our Blog: PCRP Online

Dorchester South Station Murals

The Purbeck CRP have produced three murals consisting of aluminium composite sign panels, with full colour anti-graffiti laminated vinyl graphic. The aim was to create visual and colourful enhancements at the main entrance to the station for all users to see making the station more welcoming and attractive inspiring local interest through community input and public art. The project was funded by SWR community rail project funding and we appreciate their support during the process.

This was a locally initiated partnership involving the Friends of the station, Arts Society for Dorset County, Dorchester Town Council, Dorchester Transport Action Group and the PCRP stakeholders. The local community can take pride in the outcome of these professional designed murals of iconic landmarks relating to Dorchester.

They were installed in January 2025 over three archways on the existing station building. We asked local artists to produce designs based on the history, heritage and prominent landmarks within the town to represent the station and surrounding area as it has evolved over the years. There are two existing ones created and commissioned by a prominent local brewery back in the 1980s who owned the land adjacent to the station. We are building on this with a story which is relevant to the local community. This also fits in with planned station developments including the SWR Mid-tier Scheme involving the improvement of station building, additional waiting areas and the landscaping at the front of the station where these murals are in situ. The locations are in the brick arches on the existing station building adjacent to the main entrance.

We are hoping to have a joint promotional launch with SWR and partners once all the current station enhancement work is all completed.

The artist chosen was local illustrator and graphic designer Maria Burns. Maria grew up in Purbeck, Dorset exploring the stunning natural habitats and wildlife around her and painting what she could see. She went on to train as a natural history illustrator and now has over 30 years of freelance illustration and graphic design experience behind her. Over her career she has worked on numerous illustration and design projects, both large and small, for many different businesses and organisations. She also illustrates a monthly column for The English Garden magazine. Maria often combines all her skills and knowledge to produce interpretation boards for nature reserves and historical sites and has her own range of greeting cards and prints.”

The local feedback to date has been very positive along with our partners and stakeholders who have supported this project from its conception.

Visit the Dorchester South page.

Dorchester South Station Murals Gallery